Enjoy an Afrotourism Experience!


Beyong paradise

Fernando de Noronha - Pernambuco

November 19th to 24th

Rethinking the traditional format of tourism and placing learning at the heart of the experience, Diaspora,Black has gone beyond! Integrated into the space, travelers will use their senses to experience the world around them, interacting with it and establishing a close relationship with it. Once again, combining this whole proposal with the sport of the Polynesian Gods, with paddles in Hawaiian Canoes through the most beautiful environments on the island, we will immerse ourselves in this magical nature, from a different perspective! The IMUA Way! Through a unique itinerary, focused on contact with nature and the local community, we will travel through the mutually generated learning between our hosts, the travelers and the nature of the place.

- Transfer Airport - Lodge / Lodge - Airport in Noronha;
- Accommodation at Pousada da Carmô - 5 nights, double, triple or quadruple rooms;
- Breakfast and lunch with special local cuisine (vegetarian options);
- Ice-cold water during the journeys included in the itinerary;
- Full-day "Ilha TOUR" with exclusive transportation, an expert guide and a great photographer (Pedro EXTRAÓR), visits to dozens of beaches in the archipelago, guided snorkeling and lots of knowledge!
- Historical Walk, led by local guide Almir;
- Trekking to Morro do Piquinho;
- A moment of interaction and socio-environmental action with the children from the Alma Solar Noronha project;
- Sunset paddle in Polynesian Canoes OC6 and OC4;
- Moonlight ending on Boldró Beach;
- An experienced team on trips to Noronha, with a network of local friends who work in sustainable tourism in the region.
- We guarantee a magical trip, with no worries about organization - leave it to US!

6 Days

Medium difficult

1,883 USD


Queen of the Seas

Salvador - Bahia

February 1st to 4th

The "Festa de Iemanjá" is the only popular and religious celebration in honor of an Orisha and has been listed as Salvador's Cultural Heritage. On February 2, the Bahian capital receives a crowd of faithful and admirers who take to the streets and beaches of Rio Vermelho district in a celebration of faith, culture, colors and flavors.
Iemanjá is the owner of salty waters, queen of the seas and of abundance, love and lightness. As well as celebrating Iemanjá, this experience will give you the opportunity to learn more about the historical context of Salvador, its gastronomy and a wonderful swim in the sea on the Frades and Itaparica Islands.

❑ Accommodation
❑ Local Transportation
❑ Guiding

Food (except on 02/02) and drinks.

Feb 1st: Gift and visit to the Casa da Rainha das Águas - Rio Vermelho;
Feb 2nd: Iemanjá Party with Private Feijoada;
Feb 3rd: Viver Cidade Baixa walk tour;
Feb 4th: Frades and Itaparica Islands Tour, Lunch included

4 Days

Medium difficult

695 USD



Olinda - Pernambuco

February 9th to 13th

Friday 02/09
08 hrs: Historical and cultural tour in the historic center of Olinda. Among the main monuments, the most notable are the Church of Graça, the Sé Cathedral of Olinda, the Basilica and Monastery of São Bento, the Convent of São Francisco, the Church of Nossa Senhora das Neves, the Igreja do Carmo de Olinda, the Church of Our Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos and the former episcopal palace, today the Museum of Sacred Art

Saturday 02/10
08:00 to 15:00: Early morning Rooster Box With a large balcony and a privileged view of the trios, where the main artists interact with the electric trios. The Galo da Madrugada Polo Box is easily accessible upon arrival and departure, being the most popular area on the circuit.
10 p.m.: Midnight Man In Brazil, the midnight man is often linked to the Olinda Carnival, being one of the most iconic figures of this event. Represented by a gigantic doll that parades through the streets, it is the incarnation of the joy and festivity of Carnival.

Sunday 02/11
2 pm: Visit to Quilombo Xamba. The creation of the quilombo began in the 1923s, after much political persecution. The first urban quilombo in the North and Northeast and second in the country, the place is considered one of the most important centers for the preservation of cultural expressions of African origin, being a center of visitation and knowledge.

Monday 02/12
16 hrs: Cultural history tour of Recife Antigo. The main attraction is the Pátio do Carmo, the place where the head of quilombo leader Zumbi dos Palmares was left.

19 hrs: Night of the Silent Drums The Night of the Silent Drums is a religious syncretism ceremony held in the middle of Recife's Carnival, on Monday night, in the Pátio do Terço.

Tuesday 02/13
07 am: Parade of giant dolls from Olinda The puppets traditionally attract thousands of people.

❑ Abadá
❑ Local Transportation
❑ Guiding

Food and drinks.

5 Days

Medium difficult

1,170 GBP

Rio de Janeiro

Carnival Package

Rio de Janeiro

February 10th to 12th

Saturday 02/10
‌𓎎 Tour 6h ‌ ‌
‌ ‌𓌖Christ the Redeemer ‌ ‌‌With open arms over Guanabara, ‌‌Christ the Redeemer welcomes visitors and blesses the locals. ‌At the top of Corcovado Hill is Christ the Redeemer, one of the most popular tourist attractions in Rio de Janeiro.‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
‌ 𓌖Lunch Palace Steakhouse ‌ ‌ ‌Founded in 1951, Churrascaria Palace is the most traditional in the city. Located in Copacabana, and known internationally for its authentic Rio style, it emerged during the Golden Years alongside Bossa Nova. The musical style is part of the ambient soundtrack, also honored with the "Santa Ceia da Bossa Nova" panel, displayed in the steakhouse's hall.‌ ‌ ‌

Sunday 02/11
Parade at Sapucaí
‌ ‌‌𓌖 Open bar
‌𓌖Open food
‌‌𓌖 Discovered lounge
‌‌𓌖Transfer included with cabin company.

Monday 02/12
6h tour ‌
‌ ‌𓌖Sugar Loaf Mountain‌
‌ ‌Sugarloaf Mountain is a mountain that is more than 600 million years old and is surrounded by vegetation typical of the tropical climate, which is home to rare native species..
‌ ‌ ‌𓌖Botanical Garden The best Botanical Gardens are located in Rio de Janeiro and play a fundamental role in the conservation of species, scientific research, sustainable development and educational practices that enable the construction of new knowledge.
‌ ‌ ‌𓌖Lunch Assador Rios
‌ ‌‌The ROAST was the one who prepared the meat, who understood the cuts, knew the materials, the knives, the grills. ‌

3 Days

Slight difficulty

860 GBP

Boa Morte


Cachoeira - Bahia

August 12th to 15th

Immerse yourself in Brazil's genesis, venture where history has made its home, understand knowledge, customs of African origin, uncover untold stories, unique flavors and aromas. In a single immersion, get to know the Rota da Liberdade and its quilombola communities, the heroic and monumental city of Cachoeira and the Festa da Irmandade da Boa Morte, celebrated 204 years ago.

1st DAY - 08/12/2024 - SATURDAY

Departure from Salvador at 2 p.m. Check in at the Lodge

2nd DAY - 08/13/2024 - SUNDAY

CACHOEIRA Walking through the center of Cachoeira, the "National Monument City", is like breathing history into every corner. The authentic colonial style of the city in the squares, streets, alleys, hillsides, houses and monuments, where the typical architecture of Empire Brazil stands out, coupled with the stunning beauty of the Paraguaçu River, allows you to take a trip back to the beginnings of Brazil's history, when the city had its economic heyday in the 18th and 19th centuries, when its port was used to transport sugar and tobacco to Europe. Cachoeira keeps alive the most authentic cultural manifestations of its people, such as its popular and religious festivals, its candomblé terreiros, its rich cuisine and the Recôncavo samba de roda, a national and world intangible heritage.

SCHEDULE 9h00 - WALKTOUR - HISTORIC CACHOEIRA - Guided tour of Cachoeira's main monuments and historical places

6:30pm - Transfer of the statue of Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte from the Capela de Nossa Senhora d'Ajuda (Chapel of Our Lady of Help)
7pm - Requiem Mass for the deceased sisters in the Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte Chapel
9pm - White Supper at the Brotherhood's headquarters Suggested restaurant for dinner - Cabana do Pai Thomaz (average ticket $ 25) - price not included


Visit to the Quilombola Community and the Convent of São Francisco do Paraguaçu
Quilombo Dendê Visit
Visit to the Oyster Farm (Workshop)
20-minute walk to the Kaonge Quilombo
Lunch at É de Oxum Restaurant
Conversation with Griô
Dendê Making / Flour Making / Syrup Making
Talk about the history and development of the Quilombos
Closing with Samba de Roda


6am - Festive dawn
10 a.m. - Solemnity of the Assumption of Nossa Senhora, presided over by the Diocesan Bishop, in the Main Church, followed by a procession and inauguration of the 2025 Organizing Committee
12pm - Waltz and Samba de Roda in Largo d'Ajuda
1pm - Lunch for the sisters, guests and people from the community at the Brotherhood's headquarters
16h - Samba de Roda at Largo d'Ajuda
Unguided activity***
Check out
6pm - Return to Salvador


Guided tours

4 Days

Medium difficult

760 USD

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